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Thank you for visiting West Covington Baptist Church online. We are a Church that is a community of Christ followers who desire to encourage each other as together we engage a world that needs God. West Covington Baptist Church has a variety of worship, fellowship, and service opportunities. 


Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor.

Our Mission


"Connecting our Community to Christ"


West Covington Baptist Church is a fellowship of Believers who love the Lord and love people.

It is our desire to engage folks in the gospel and with our many opportunities for growth and fellowship...there is a place in ministry for you!





9:45 am - Sunday School

(classes for the whole family)


10:45 am - Morning Worship (children's church and nursery available)




6:30 pm - Small Group Bible Study

Need a ride to church?
Contact us to schedule a ride!



1003 Highway Avenue

Covington, KY 41015

Phone: (859) 261- 9663


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